Our project “Chargers of Electric Vehicles in Learning” was awarded by the Tempus Közalapítvány Hungarian National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme in 2023. Awards are given every year to the highest-quality projects in each sector. The ceremony was held on 1 June 2023 in Budapest as part of the “ERASMUS+ OPENS DOORS – CONFERENCE ON ACTIVE SOCIAL PARTICIPATION”. Project coordinator Baranyi Tímea held a presentation about the project and its best practices for the audience interested in the VET sector.
Congratulations to all participants of the partnership!
Lead partner: CAM Consulting Kft. (Hungary)
Ege University (Turkey)
Learning Hub Friesland (Netherlands)
Camera di Commercio Italo-Slovacca / Taliansko-Slovenská obchodná komora (Slovakia)
Kecskeméti SZC Kandó Kálmán Technikum (Hungary)
Servicios Extremeños Enseña (Spain)
Colegiul Stefan Odobleja (Romania)
Avaca Technologies S.A. (Greece)