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Closure of C-Evil project

We have achieved the last month of our C-Evil project. The 24+2 month-long duration had many unexpected challenges that made the project implementation quite exciting.

A lot of changes happened compared to what we planned in 2019. Most notably, we had to hold virtually our joint staff training which was planned in Izmir, Turkey. Due to the global pandemic situation, our partnership also had to put extra effort than usual to keep up with not only their own national and organizational regulations but also to be as flexible as possible towards our project.

Although at some point of the implementation it seemed we might not be able to meet personally at all, in the end, we could organize three out of four planned physical partner meetings. We met most of our partners in Athens on 15th November. It was not only a nice opportunity to see each other one more time, but also to discuss the final touches of the project: the remaining tasks, exploitation of the achieved results and other follow-up ideas, as well as the requirements of the final report.

In spite of the occurred challanges, the C-Evil partnership not only succeeded to deliver all the project outcomes they undertook, but they also went beyond the original expectations by adding extra contents to the developed materials.

Check our results and outputs to learn more about EV chargers and meet our amazing partnership.



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