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Do you want to spread the word about the C-Evil project? Check out and use the media tools we created!

C-Evil Promo Video

C-Evil Promo Video

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Does your audience doesn’t have much time but you still want them to get the essence what the C-Evil project is all about? Share this 1 minute promo video.

This brochure explains the most important aspects of the C-Evil project: the products we develop and why they are necessary, the partners that are involved and timeframe of our activities.

This brochure also explains the project in a nutshell, but with a focus on the first finalized result: the ‘Learning objectives and curriculum’.

This brochure also explains the project in a nutshell, but with a focus on the finalized result: the ‘Train the trainer’ materials.

Plan to give a presentation about C-Evil? Use this PowerPoint as a starting point to prepare your speech.

Download this roll-up banner and have it professionally printed to get people involved in C-Evil.

C-Evil Chargers of Electric Vehicles in Learning
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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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