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The developed C-Evil training materials now available on our website

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

The training material will support VET trainers and teachers who will use our project results in the classroom and those professionals who will get to know the content in distances learning. It is the work of several months, primarily prepared by Cevil prpject partners EGE and CAM. The result is a very complex and comprehensive set of training material: it can be useful for those who have some initial knowledge about the topic, and also for those who know nothing about EV chargers. The materials contain many practical aspects, but users of the material can also dive in the theoretical background. It contains a real-life example: the use-case of the EV charger installation in the area of EGE University.

The content of the developed training materials on EV charging was validated by the VET partners of C-Evil during the short-term joint staff training. The methodology used in the virtual short-term joint staff training was complemented by a range of different online platforms and tools. The today releashed document “Collection of trainers experiences and recommendations” includes the results and conclusions from the short-term joint staff training. Feedbacks were positive from the participants. We used before-and-after tests to measure the impact of the shared knowledge. Their results were very promising. Participants who are the teachers and trainer of the C-Evil VET partner organizations could share their thoughts, experiences and ideas during a round-table session.

About Cevil

Within the C-Evil project, partners join forces to develop new learning and training materials on EV chargers in order to fill the gap in electricity education. More info:



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