How do students learn best about electric vehicle chargers? Blended learning! So besides the necessary theory that vocational students need to make their own, meeting experts from the field is indispensible. C-Evil will adapt guest lectures, site visits and lots of examples from the field in their learning materials.
Our C-Evil project (Chargers of Electric Vehicles in Learning), implemented as an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in the field of Vocational Education and Training, has now achieved its first major milestone.
During the 24-month project that started in October 2019, training materials will be developed on the installation and maintenance of electric vehicle chargers. Besides the co-ordinator CAM Consulting, a Turkish, a Romanian, a Spanish, a Dutch, a Slovakian, a Greek and a Hungarian organization will participate in the partnership.
In order to support properly the elaboration of the training materials, the first task was implemented to have common expectations about the materials, share the partners’ experiences about the learning methodologies and collect great ideas from good practices. Eventually, the partnership has identified seven main learning objectives which aims at students, teachers and the materials themselves: their validation, possible adaptation and position in the labour market.
After that, the partnership has analyzed the question “How do students learn best about electric vehicle chargers?”. By exploring concrete best practices, project partners have established a set of techniques and functions they would like to apply both in the materials and on the platform.
The first intellectual output has been completed by outlining the structure of the training materials. In the EV charger curriculum, the main areas (introduction, installation, management and maintenance) and their more detailed subtopics are defined in order to facilitate the elaboration of the training materials. The partnership has created a great basis for the next steps in the project by concerning not only the professional content, but also evaluation issues, country-specific questions and relevant sources.
